Good hygiene and cleaning practices have becoming increasingly vital with the recent global outbreak of COVID-19.

Asset Group Solutions is proud to announce that we are now offering a sanitising service that is 99.99% effective against harmful viruses and germs on surfaces. Our Sanitising Service provides ongoing protection on surfaces for up to 30 days. The Product we use in this service is one of the few sanitising products that is listed on the Australian TGA COVID – 19 list.

We utilise state of the art technology that ensures every surface is properly coated to ensure your surfaces are truly protected. Once it is applied you may re-enter the premise and resume as normal in just 20 minutes.

Our people have been expertly trained and our processes are supported by our Infectious Cleaning Work Instruction, Risk Assessments and important Protective Personal Equipment (PPE).

Our aim is to help our clients prevent the spread of COVID-19, doing our part to keep Australia.